![]() 12/17/2018 at 09:44 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
What would OPPO do?
Saturday morning I was on my way to a meeting for a side job. Not really what I want to do. I’m tired from my son waking us up all night long. I’m traveling thought a residential area on a road that is 40 mph. The woman infront of me sees another woman on the side of the road waiting to cross with her stupid little dog. This woman stops to let her cross.(note in the photo there is no crosswalk)
While this may be a nice thing to do, it also nearly caused me to bumperfuck her car into next week. I wanted to go bumperfuck her face, or yell obscenities out the window but then I would look liek the asshole so instea d i took a deep breathe and cursed her out in my own pri vate penalty box of a non-ST Focus.
enjoy my FoCK from the other night (i think if i have time I might stretch the bed 6" or 1' tonight.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 09:58 |
It’s not a nice thing to do on a road like that. It’s a fucking stupid thing to do, and endangers the life of everyone involved.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 09:58 |
I’m generally conflicted about these scenarios, but I firmly believe that if you’re not prepared for the driver in front of you to come to a stop, you’ve screwed up.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 09:59 |
People can wait for 2 cars to pass, cross the street. Those people who let people cross the street like that also wave people through 4 way stops.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 09:59 |
25mph zone or lower, OK. Otherwise, idiotic.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 10:02 |
Well I didn’t hit her so I guess u could say I was prepared enough
![]() 12/17/2018 at 10:10 |
Being “polite” causes traffic accidents. I see this all the time in Louisiana, usually when people stop to let the opposing traffic turn left in front of them.
If you had rear-ended her, you would have been at fault. If you had passed and hit the pedestrian , you would have been at fault for passing in a no-passing zone. You did the right thing by stopping . If you had honked, it would have been justified.
What would I have done? The same thing that I do every time this happens - lay on the horn until they start moving again.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 10:13 |
40 mph not safe to come to a complete stop. Also not a cross walk.
25 mph to maybe 30 mph would be ok to stop
I get the BS of if you’ re not ready to stop, you’ re not being aware of your surroundings.
But if you have watched any US or Russia dash cam crashes , Im more worried about the idiot behind me not being prepared to stop.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 10:20 |
No one should be stopping for pedestrians on a 40 mph road.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 10:28 |
i have to pass a 4 way about half a mile from my house on the way home from work. Its like the last kick in the nuts after a commute from hell.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 10:29 |
but would you just have sat there and taken it or would you have let the person know how displeased u were with their dumb move?
![]() 12/17/2018 at 10:31 |
nooope not in a 40 zone. Granted, that looks different from the road I drive in the mornings, but it’s a 40 zone and holy hell if someone stopped for a pedestrian it would cause an accident no question. I nearly rear-ended someone who I was NOT following closely and where I was paying 100% attention, because they panic-stopped for a squirrel. No joke. After that I gave them about 1/2 mile of space and I saw them do it again about a mile later. This, in a year of record squirrel populations.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 10:33 |
Oh I would have laid on the horn for about 30 seconds. Really. This is a pet peeve of mine- these people think they’re being “ nice” when all they’re doing is creating a hazard - including one for the woman and her dog.
I’ve had people do this to let me cross/ turn whatever, and I will literally just fold my arms so that they can see them and yell at them to just go.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 10:36 |
If you were not paying attention to what was going on it is possible that one could just pass the stopp
ed car in the middle of a road because you are like why the fuck did you stop? Then smack the pedestrian. This is just a bad move on their part.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 10:59 |
I’ve definitely flipped people off for stopping to let me and my dog cross...
![]() 12/17/2018 at 11:04 |
you shoulda passed then and ran over the squirrel just to prove a point
![]() 12/17/2018 at 11:19 |
T hat really doesn’t look like it should be a 40mph road, and if it is it should have crosswalks (in which case yielding to the pedestrian would be mandatory). Car in front shouldn’t have stopped (Massachusetts is the worst state I’ve driven in with regards to have “courteous” drivers who mess things up by stopping when not required to. Dog walker (and stopping driver, since they seem to care as well) should be complaining to their local government about having a 40mph road with no crosswalks, sidewalks, or even much of a shoulder running through a residential neighborhood (within easy walking distance of a school no less).
![]() 12/17/2018 at 11:23 |
Dumb move on both their parts. Don’t do the unexpected, especially when it’s against the rules. When multiple people suddenly don’t know what to expect from a developing situation, you get problems.
A heavier or poorly maintained or driven vehicle could easily have crashed into her and caused her to run over the pedestrian. An impatient driver could have not paid attention to the pedestrian and zoomed around the car and hit the pedestrian. A series of missed cues between the driver and the pedestrian could have resulted in her hitting the pedestrian purely out of confusion, because THIS IS NOT HOW YOU DO IT.
TL;DR - People, please stop trying to act polite and just be sensible and follow the rules instead. We’ll all be better off for it.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 11:35 |
i once had a lady politely reverse in to the car behind her as she decided her bumper being ever so slightly in the bike crossing would bother me
apreciate the gesture.... but maybe check your mirrors fir st?
![]() 12/17/2018 at 11:46 |
Someone stopped to let me cross with my bike from a parking area to a local park. I think the speed limit is 45 there and it’s ra ther hilly. I appreciated the sentiment but I’m perfectly capable of waiting for a break in traffic. T he guy caused a 4-car pileup so of course I felt awful about it.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 11:50 |
Very well said.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 11:57 |
that sux. i hope he learned his lesson.
![]() 12/17/2018 at 18:40 |
Exactly this. Don’t be nice, be predictable.
![]() 12/18/2018 at 16:36 |
these people think they’re being “nice” when all they’re doing is creating a hazard
This. There is a intersection by my house that people in opposing traffic will yield to left turners for... reasons? Being nice? THAT ISN’T HOW TRAFFIC WORKS YOU TWIT!